Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Channel D News




Tumu: Good evening, and welcome to the eighteen-hour news on Channel D. I’m Taho Tumu with Enora Tangi, and this is what’s happening in the world today. Our top story tonight, right-wing Ciawatcha state chief Huyana Anwatee was found shot dead today in her Missippa Ridge home. Although police officials have declined to comment at this time, many suspect a political motive for the shooting as this comes only days after the passing of State Article 397C, which effectively revoked the agreements of the Pachawanee Charter of year 142 BSR. However, as the police have declined to make comment, suicide has not been ruled out. Taka Toyashida is on the scene with more. Taka?


Toyashida: Thanks, Taho. I’m here outside Anwatee’s mansion, where earlier today a hama groundskeeper reported shots being fired. Not long after, police arrived to find former Ciawatcha state chief Huyana Anwatee dead in her living room. No other family members were home at the time. Police are still on the scene collecting evidence but have declined to comment, other than to state that Anwatee is indeed deceased. Here in an exclusive Channel D interview is hama groundskeeper Proch Vuuhi.


Translator: I was in the shed...getting out the lawnmower. Anwatee asked me to always cut the grass in the early afternoon, when it would bother the least...amount of people. She was always considerate like that. I was sitting on the lawnmower, about to start the engine, when I heard a loud noise...coming from the house. At first I thought it was...my lawnmower, but I had a bad feeling. I ran to the house and I found her there with a gun in her hand. (Crying) She would not do that to herself and to her family. I know this. Somebody put that gun in her hand. Then I called the police, and even though they...did not know what I was saying, the cars came soon after.


Toyashida: Truly a sad day for the state of Ciawatcha. Anwatee’s assistant chief Huata Chiwanee is expected to issue a statement as he assumes the responsibilities of the office tomorrow. Back to you, Taho.


Tumu: Thanks, Taka. Channel D news will have more on that story as it develops. Now with a special Heritage Day report is Enora Tangi. Enora?

Tangi: Thanks, Taho. Heritage Day. A celebration of the anniversary of our ancestors’ arrival to this land, a chance to spend time with family rarely seen, or for many just an opportunity to celebrate a day away from work. Yet for some, Heritage Day represents something even more thought-provoking: a time to give to those less fortunate.


Tangi: For the students of Chowangee school, Heritage Day is a time of reflection and compassion. Instead of the usual harvest dances and camping trips, the students went out into the community asking for donations. Over ten thousand kwaya were raised.

Student 1: We...we’re giving money to the fairies because they don’t have a lot of food to eat.

Student 2: We want to help them because they are poor and it’s very sad and we don’t want them to be sad.

Tangi: Some people expressed outrage or disgust when they discovered where the donations were going. They say that they were not told beforehand what was happening with the money and they want it back.

Upset citizen 1: They didn’t tell the kids nothing. They just told them to collect donations for Heritage Day, and nobody’s gonna say no to a little girl with big eyes knocking on your door asking for money. Then we find out it’s going to those (expletive deleted) fairies. Well they asked for those pieces of land and they don’t want to have nothing to do with our money, they said so, so they can (expletive deleted) give back the land if they want to start asking for handouts.

Upset citizen 2: I thought the money was for school fundraising or something. I don’t mind if they want to raise money for them, you know, fairies or triaum or whatever you call ‘em nowadays but I want to know where my money’s going.

Tangi: For the triaum of Tir’Ha Reserve, there are mixed feelings about the donation.

Translator: I think it’s wonderful...that they’ve done this for us. Times have been hard these past few years, and without many rains the crops have been failing. For that school to do that for us...represents a new hope that things will get better.

Angry triaum: That’s interesting, that they think a donation of money will be like some kind of poultice to draw out all the poison that’s been injected into this community over the years. Especially after the charter rights have been revoked, and we have no choice but to use human systems of trade and governance? It’s the last of a long line of insults, to have to accept handouts when we used to be able to rely on ourselves. Well, once you take away a man’s dignity, there’s no telling what he’ll do.

Tangi: But despite mixed feelings on both sides, the reserve accepted the donation. For chief educator Chiwan Mukawe of Chowangee School, it is hoped that this is the first step toward a better relationship between the community and the reserve.

Chief Educator: You’ve got to start with the kids, you know. Teach them compassion and goodwill toward others. My hope is that this donation helps them out...after what’s happened with the law repealing the charter. That’s really what started all of this. It’s not a permanent solution, but hopefully it lets them know that there are those of us in the community who value their presence, who feel bad for what’s happened and want to help.

Tangi: With Channel D news, this is Enora Tangi.


Tumu: Really interesting story, Enora.

Enora: Thanks, Towa.

Tumu: Now with tonight’s weather forecast, here’s Suraj Dhami. Suraj?



Tumu: Looks like winter’s on the way, eh Enora?

Enora: As long as there’s less snow than last year, Towa.

Tumu: Just around the corner we’ve got sports with Linden Fruntz, followed by a special sports report, just after the commercial break. Stay tuned.




Fruntz: The Berian Charger. The Devil of the West. Footballer Iurian Buracho-Camoli has many names, but never before has he faced the names being thrown at him now.

Voice from crowd 1: Troll!

Voice from crows 2: Go back to the forest, ape!

Fruntz: Just days after testing for the Year 60 Competitive Games, Buracho-Camoli’s blood came back positive for enzyme 23, which is known to be present only in those who have hama heritage. For Buracho-Camoli, it came as quite a surprise.

Buracho-Camoli: My parents never told me there was troll...hama blood in the family. I just didn’t know. Now I’m being called names everywhere I go, and the papers are filled with my picture, and they say that I didn’t really earn any of my victories. I just want to play football, but now I can’t play for Beria anymore. My teammates tell me to go play in the hama league. I just wish I’d known about this sooner. I don’t know why hama and humans can’t play together in the same league. Hama are bigger but humans are faster. Doesn’t that balance it out?

Fruntz: But for some, banning Buracho-Camoli from the league isn’t enough.

Football Fan: He should be banned from the country. There aren’t any trolls in Beria and there never will be. His parents should be ashamed of themselves for never telling him that he had tainted blood, and they should be banished too, the whole lot of them.

Fruntz: Competitive Games official Olivia Skarpi had this to say:

Skarpi: It is unfortunate, but those are the rules of the competitive games. Buracho-Camoli is free to join a hama football team, or try out for any sport he desires in the hama games happening next year. This is not a thing done out of malice, it is done out of fairness for all human athletes involved. The hama have a size and strength advantage and that is why their games are separate and they compete only with each other.

Fruntz: To Ignacio, it is more than simply the sport, however. It goes much deeper.

Buracho-Camoli: People treat me differently now. It is not just that I cannot compete for my country in the games, which has been my dream since I was a little boy. Anybody who knows now, they look at me like I am different. Even friends from my hometown. Names are shouted at me now from across the street. Some places will not serve me. I tell you, I am not a hama. Maybe I have a bit of hama blood but I am a human. I am not one of them, but nobody will listen. I do not understand why this happened to me. I just want to play football.

Fruntz: The coach of Team Beria declined to comment.


Tumu: Thanks, Linden. This concludes our eighteen-hour news report. For more developments on news as it happens in the world and in your community, please stay tuned for the twenty-one-hour report. I’m Taho Tumu.

Tangi: And I’m Enora Tangi, wishing you a good evening, Missippa.

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